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It' s not wrong that you're in a bad place. It's wrong when you don't look out for yourself.

The thing is, it is too easy to blame unhappiness on the situation. It's so damn easy to overlook the huge results that a few tiny alterations in attitude can bring.

I read this quote somewhere and I couldn't agree more with it.

"Sometimes, you need to lose yourself in order to find yourself."

It hit me hard. We are always with ourselves, physically. But how often do we find dwelling on our thoughts? How often do we feel secure when we're all by ourselves? How often do we say to ourselves, "Hell yeah, I know myself inside out!"

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If answers to such questions are negative, I suggest you take some time out for yourself and sit down and go through them again. Believe me, it's immensely important.
Only when you know yourself, or better if you're still in that process and are improving every day, you could love yourself. You are the person with whom you spend most of your time. Right after you wake up and till the time you not only go to bed but fall into sleep. So, why not try to know the person you are? And eventually, fall for yourself?
It's a beautiful journey and having experienced it, I want to do anything I could ever, to help you have that wonderful experience, too.

That's why I decided to write In the Eye of I. For you. You deserve to be happy and Self-Love gives you the right direction for it.

I don't know why, but I just cannot let you sit and waste another second that you're not worth it, or that you don't deserve to be happy, or that you're not good enough. Because let me clarify it now.
You deserve all the love and happiness that you've been longing for. And the easiest part of it is that it starts right with you.
Not with your parents, partner or spouse, or your best friend. The beginning is right there within you. All I want is for you to accept and discover your worth which has always been within you and finally, love yourself.


Self-Love has all the power to help you unleash your best self. Every time you think that it's not working out, look at those reasons and I assure you, if your reasons are enthusiastic enough, everything will start falling into place. Just give yourself time to be there for yourself.

The book is filled with relatable examples so that you know that you're not alone in this. It's a journey and it's a beautiful one. There will be setbacks, struggles, and battles with your demons. But in the end, it'll all be worth it. Those battles with your setbacks will help you realize how strong you are. You might not know it yet, but I know that you are strong and absolutely capable of taking bold measures.
These examples might be your answer to the question that's been lingering on in your mind or perhaps open the doors to new opportunities that you otherwise may have overlooked. It's an easy read to make sure you don't feel overwhelmed. While reading the book, the best practice would be to pause before you complete a story and think how you would have reacted (or responded, as we'll see in the book) in a particular situation.
Think about it and then read on to make a connection with it. This connection will help open up your perspective which skim-reading would not.

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Ajay, author of In the Eye of I, is a dynamic speaker and an entrepreneur from Hyderabad, India, who spends his days advocating for human growth through self-love

His professional career has been associated with dealing with people closely as he worked as a Communication Coachand Training &Quality Manager. Over these years, he was fortunate to work with a diverse set of people and who made him believe that 'empathy is everything'. This experience and the advice by Ajay's grandfather of constantly learning and sharing, made him write this wonderful thought-provoking book on self-love for reaching out to the global audience.

He loves spending time alone with his thoughts. He loves listening to music. One can hardly find him without his headphones on. His curious mind makes him ask a lot of questions, and he loves finding the logical answers to those questions. He doesn't talk much, but when he does, people tend to forget everything and just keep listening to him. A wonderful story teller. The one thing that Ajay has gracefully achieved is to find the right path to true happiness and he has every intension of spreading it to as many people as he can reach.

You have a life to live. Do not try to live other's life nor let others live yours.
- Ajay Patlolla