I am Ajay Patlolla from India, an entrepreneur and author!

I am the Managing Director of G4G (Go For Growth). I always knew the importance of money in one’s life. Though it is not the most important one, it’s still up there. But the problem was with the people’s skills due to lack of right knowledge. In our organization, we focus on learning and upskilling people looking for jobs and taking care of their placements into big corporates. Whenever I see someone doing anything, it's in my nature to ask myself questions as to why one is behaving that way or why couldn't they have done this way and similar questions. This is one of my ways to learn from others as I always believe in constant learning. Barring one or two questions, somehow all the answers led to self-love.

Whenever I see someone doing anything, it's in my nature to ask myself questions as to why one is behaving that way or why couldn't they have done this way and similar questions. This is one of my ways to learn from others as I always believe in constant learning. Barring one or two questions, somehow all the answers led to self-love.

Why write a book?

My grandfather once told me to keep giving to people without expecting anything in return and this should be my daily habit. So, I responded by saying that once I have enough for myself I will start giving to people.


He then looked at me and said that he was not talking about materialistic things. After 2 days when I couldn't find the answer, I asked him what is it that I can give other than money or materials fitness.


He said that he was referring to knowledge and since then I always worked towards sharing knowledge and when I realized that self-love is the answer to most of the problems on happiness,


I decided to share this knowledge in the best way possible and what better than sharing it in the form of a book. Also, the thought of writing a book made me take this very seriously and I am glad I did it. As the journey was way too awesome to describe in words.


The research on self-love became more intense when during the pandemic I came across an article about a celebrity ending his life. That made me wonder what makes people take such extreme steps. What would have been their thought process?


A lot of questions started building in my head around people's mindsets and behaviour. This made me apply the concept of self-love to others situations and started suggesting my close ones understand and follow self-love.


All the people who tried this consciously felt a great change in their perception, eventually their thoughts, actions and belief


. Though I knew I was right, I wanted to make sure and took a scientific approach as well. And that confirmed that I was on the right path. The transformation in others and I made myself happy. So much so that I wanted the world to realize how great of a concept is self-love.